I Blame the Books

How do you like to read?

I have a few places around the house where I can just sit for hours and get into a good novel.  There’s my window seat, where the sun is mostly shining during the summer.  There’s my back patio or the hammock in my backyard, but since I hate reading hard copies of books while lying on my back, the hammock is usually reserved for those rare occasions when I crack open my Kindle.  And then there’s my sun room, which has big windows and is a great place to sit on a rocking chair and read.

In these places, I can enjoy my book more.  It’s where I’m rarely disturbed and can have a constant light source as well as a peaceful environment.  These places are often where I’m happiest, to tell you the truth.  There is nothing like sitting down in a comfy spot with a good book.  If I’m not completely at ease where I am, I tend to fidget a lot and thus read more slowly and can’t get into the story as much.

The view from my window seat. Oh, and Tiger's here, too.

So I’ve covered my favorite places to read.  But there’s more to how I like to read than that.  I often also like to have a snack near me, especially during the summer.  Usually it’s of the salty variety: pretzels or Goldfish or tortilla chips.  A couple of years ago it was often M&M’s, as we had a near-constant supply in our house at the time.

I don’t know what it is about food and books, or about sunny, quiet places and books, but for some reason it just clicks for me.  I find that my reading sessions are often longer and I can concentrate more on the book when I have something to munch.  Perhaps it’s an extension of the I-eat-when-I’m-bored thing, except in this case it’s the mere act (or, rather, the lack thereof) of sitting still for a long period of time without doing much physically.

I know it’s probably not a healthy habit, but it certainly helps to put me at ease and relax when I want to just settle down and escape into the pages.

When I start gaining weight, though, I’ll blame the books.

What about you, lovely readers?  Do you have a specific place where you like to read?  Are you an eater as well as a reader, like me?

Oh, while I’m here I should probably acknowledge the fact that this is my 100th post.  For some reason or another, I don’t put as much stock in the number of posts as I do in, say, the blog’s yearly anniversary, but it’s nice to know how far I’ve come.  Honestly, I’m surprised it’s only this many posts I’ve done.  Ever since joining WordPress, I’ve had so much fun and learned a lot in the process of writing more than I used to, not to mention the fact that I’ve come in contact with so many awesome bloggers along the way!  It feels like I’ve been doing this for a lot longer than 100 posts.  Well, here’s to another 100, and another, and another…

Happy reading!

P.S. Sorry there was only one picture today.  Apparently WordPress isn’t liking me taking photos from other sites.  I don’t know what’s up.